Share an animated GIF from Giphy

  • Updated
  • On desktop (macOS, Windows, or on Wire for web)

    There are two ways. You can get a GIF from Giphy or choose one from your device:

    To have Giphy choose a random GIF

    1. Type a keyword in English, for example, "Hello."

    2. Select GIF:

    3. Select SEND to send the GIF, or Try Another to see more GIFs:

    Upload a GIF from your computer

    1. Drag and drop the GIF


    1. Select the picture button .
    2. Select the GIF file you'd like to share.
    3. Select Open.

    The GIF file size can be up to 5MB.

  • On mobile devices

    There are two ways. You can get a GIF from Giphy or choose one from your device:

    To have Giphy choose a random GIF:

    1. Type a key word in English, for example "Hello".
    2. Select the GIF button (on Android it is located in the toolbar).

    If you don't like the suggested GIF you can select TRY ANOTHER  or choose another suggestion. If no there is no corresponding GIF, a message will be displayed.
    Select SEND once you have chosen.

    To choose an animated GIF from your device:

    1. In the conversation select the camera button   at the bottom of the conversation.
    2. Select the camera roll preview in the lower left corner to choose a GIF from your device.
    3. Select OK to share.

    The GIF file size can be up to 5 MB.


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