Delete a custom folder

  • Updated

To delete a custom folder, you need o remove all the conversations listed in that folder. 

  • On desktop (macOS, Windows, or on Wire for web)

    1. Access the folders view by selecting Folders in the navigation bar:

    2. Open the relevant folder you want to delete:

    3. Hover over a conversation and select the arrow ▼ to get more options.
    4. Select Remove from... to remove the conversation from any folder or on Move to to move the conversation to another folder:

    5. Repeat the process for all the conversations in this folder. When you have removed all conversations, the empty folder disappears.

  • On mobile

    1. Access the folders view by selecting Folder in the navigation bar.
    2. Open the relevant folder you want to delete.
    3. Select the conversation name to open the conversation information.
    4. Select the more options button  to open more actions.
    5. Select REMOVE FROM “…” or MOVE TO… to move the conversation to another folder.
    6. Repeat the process for all the conversations in this folder.
    7. Once all conversations are removed or moved to another folder, the empty folder will disappear.


On Android

You can’t delete a custom folder at the moment on Android devices. The feature will be available again during 2023.

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