Adding conversations to your custom folders helps you organize your conversations by topics.
On desktop (macOS, Windows, or on Wire for web)
- Hover the cursor over the relevant conversation:
- Select the arrow ▼ to get more options:
- Select Move to:
- Select Create new folder or a folder that already exists:
- If you create a new folder, name it and select Create:
- You find this folder under Folders in the left navigation bar:
- Hover the cursor over the relevant conversation:
On mobile
- Select a conversation.
- Select the conversation name to open the conversation details.
- Select the more options button
to open more actions.
- Select Move to…
- Select the plus button + to create a new folder OR select a folder that already exists.
- Name the new folder and select Create.
On Android
You can’t add conversations to custom folders or remove a conversation from a custom folder at the moment on Android devices. The feature will be available again during 2023.