How can I enable or disable constant bit rate (CBR)?

  • Updated

Calls can use either variable bit rate (VBR) or constant bit rate (CBR).

Constant bit rate (CBR) describes a transfer mode that guarantees data to be transferred at a constant rate. This eliminates the risk of someone being able to analyze information about the differing packet length. Wire enables constant-bit-rate encoding for conference calls automatically. For 1:1 calls, you can decide if you want to use CBR.


  • When using CBR, you see a corresponding label. This setting only affects 1:1 calls and applies to both sides; conference calls always use CBR encoding.
  • When using VBR, calls use less data and work better on slower networks. Turn off to use constant bitrate encoding (CBR).

On desktop (macOS, Windows, or on Wire for web)

  1. Select Settings :

  2. Select Audio / Video:

  3. Enable or disable the option:

Enabling will apply to both sides, and the call will use CBR.



On mobile

Enable CBR

  1. Select Settings .
  2. Select Options.
  3. Toggle VBR off.

This will apply to both sides, and the whole call will use CBR.


Disable CBR/enable VBR

  1. Select Settings .
  2. Select Options.
  3. Toggle VBR on.

For more information, see the article about call security.



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