From outside the app, please use this link to change your password.
For security reasons, the link that we send you to change your password is only valid for 1 hour
On desktop (macOS, Windows, or on Wire for web)
1. Select Settings :
2. Select Reset password:
3. Enter your email and select Reset password:
Be aware:
If you joined as a temporary guest, you probably have no Wire account and can't reset your password.
You won't receive an email from Wire asking you to change your password.
4. Check your email. We sent you a link to reset your password. The link is valid for 1 hour.
On mobile devices
From inside the app, in the conversations list:
- Select Settings .
- Select Account.
- Select Reset Password.
From inside the app, in the conversations list:
- Select the menu button .
- Select Settings .
- Select Account Details.
- Select Reset Password.