Change your email address

  • Updated
  • On desktop (macOS, Windows, or on Wire for web)

    1. Select Settings to open your profile:

    2. Select the edit button  .
    3. Update your email and press enter to confirm the change:

    Wire will send you an email to confirm the change.

    If you can’t log in please read this article.
  • On mobile devices


    In the conversation list:

    1. Select Settings .
    2. Select Account.
    3. Edit your email address.
    4. Select OK.

    Wire will send you an email to confirm the change.


    In the conversation list:

    1. Select the menu button .
    2. Select Settings .
    3. Select Account Details.
    4. Select your email address.
    5. Adjust your email address.
    6. Select Save.

          Wire will send you an email to confirm the change.

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